The Alaska subsistence harvest of Yukon River Chinook salmon averages about 50,000 fish per year, of which about 30% is from Districts 1 and 2. Stock composition of this component of the run is unique compared to other components because of differences in harvest timing, location, and gear, and there is a tendency towards high occurrence of Canadian origin fish. Our goal, in collaboration with Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), is to collect information about the composition of this component of the run to enable estimates of total run composition by stock, stock-specific exploitation, and spawner-recruit analysis, among other uses.
The objective specific to this proposal is to collect representative genetics stock identification (GSI) information, coupled with age, sex, length (ASL) data, from the Chinook salmon subsistence harvest in Districts 1 and 2 in support of estimating the 2013 harvest composition. Deliverables will be raw data and samples provided to ADF&G to enable them, independent of this project, to estimate ASL and stock composition of the subsistence Chinook salmon harvests from District 1 and 2. The relevance of the resulting database is that it contributes to initiatives aimed at reconstructing the ASL and stock composition of the total Yukon River Chinook salmon run, and to understanding the effects of management actions and fishing techniques on harvest composition.