Collection of Genetic Material from Adult Chinook Salmon in the North Big Salmon Watershed

This project follows the focused, effective and efficient model developed and used by DFO Stock Assessment in the Yukon and Transbondary Rivers.  A helicopter will be used to access the river, assess sampling opportunities in respect of concentrations of spawners, safety of landing, and efficiency of sampling.  The area where the most fish may be captured at the least risk will be sampled first, then the second and so on. The North Big Salmon downstream of Northern Creek is well suited to this strategy.  The high water wetted perimeter is wide and at lower water levels has well developed bars.  These allow risk-free landing sites. Tissue acquisition will follow the current DFO Protocols. All locations where sampling occurs will be geo-referenced.  The numbers of fish sampled in each will be reported. Representative digital photographs will be taken, collated and submitted to DFO and offered to the Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation.